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Navodila Gramps 5.1 - Prvi začetki

Revision as of 18:03, 5 February 2020 by Beernarrd (talk | contribs) (Povezave)
Nazaj Kazalo Naprej

V tem poglavju predstavimo osnove. Najprej opišemo osnovne pojme programa Gramps. Nato vam bomo pokazali, kako zagnati program Gramps in kako poiskati pomoč, ko jo potrebujete.



Gramps je brezplačen in prost, odprtokoden program, ki je bil zasnovan z namenom biti prilagodljivo in močno rodoslovno orodje. Lahko ga uporabljate na kakršen koli način želite. Ni ene in edine pravilne metode dela ali zapisovanja podatkov. Vendar pa, če želite sodelovati z drugimi raziskovalci ali uporabniki drugih programov, vam bo v pomoč, če se pred učenjem uporabe programa Gramps seznanite z njegovim delovanjem.

Gramps ločuje vse rodoslovne podatke na 9 delov:

  • Osebe
  • Družine
  • Dogodke
  • Opombe
  • Predmete
  • Navedke
  • Vire
  • Kraje
  • Nahajališča

Vsak od teh delov je sestavljen iz samostojnih elementov. To pomeni, da lahko v svoj rodovnik vnašate en element naenkrat, ne glede na vrstni red. Na primer, najprej bi radi vnesli podatke o vsaki osebi, nato ju združili v družino. Lahko pa bi raje začeli z vnosom virov in šele nato dodali podatek o osebi. Lahko pa tudi različne načine vnosa mešate med seboj, tako da najprej dodate opombe in vire, nato družine, kasneje pa se vrnete k urejanju opomb in virov. Skratka, rodoslovne raziskave vodite, kakor vam ustreza.

Če imate dodatna vprašanja, vam je na voljo skupnost uporabnikov in razvijalcev programa Gramps. Odgovore na najpogostejša vprašanja dobite v poglavju V&O, uporabite lahko dopisni seznam, javite hrošča, zahtevate novo zmožnost, in spremljate razvoj, in internetno klepetalnico.


Teh 9 osnovnih elementov je medsebojno povezanih na veliko načinov. Nekateri izmed njih so le implicitni. Na primer, če dodate osebo družini kot starša, se med njima samodejno ustvari posebna povezava, ki se imenuje "navedba". Tako lahko v glavnem oknu v pogledu Osebe pod zavihkom Navedbe najdete vse družine, s katerimi je oseba povezana. V programu Gramps je na voljo vrsta različnih predstavitev takšnih povezav, med njimi npr. pogled Sorodstvo.

V izogib podvajanju podatkov vam program Gramps omogoča ponovno uporabo in deljenje istih podatkov. V tem primeru se povezave imenujejo "povezave". Osebo npr. lahko povežete s poljubnim številom opomb. Po drugi strani pa lahko ena opomba velja za več oseb hkrati.

Določene povezave nosijo informacijo same zase. Če namreč povežete osebo z dogodkom poroka nekega drugega para, to lahko pomeni, da je bila oseba priča na poroki. Seveda pa sta zakonca povezana na dogodek poroka v sklopu primarne vloge, priča pa na isti dogodek v sklopu sekundarne vloge. Tovrstni podatek je shranjen v sami povezavi kot lastnost te povezave.


Gramps supports two different methods to protect the privacy of sensitive data in your family tree. These methods are used when sharing your data with others, either through the creation of a report, exporting of data, or through the creation of a website.

The first method protects information on people who Gramps believes are alive. If you have not specifically indicated that a person is dead (by adding a Death Event to a Person item), then Gramps has a sophisticated, automatic function for determining if someone is alive. Living people have their sensitive data redacted when using this method. For example, a person named "Smith, John" could appear as "Smith, [Living]".

The second privacy method is an explicit "private" flag which you can set on each item. For example, you might have sensitive, personal information in a note. If you mark such a note as private, then that note will not be shown in textual and narrative reports or exports. Also be aware that some links themselves can be marked private. This is useful when you want to mark the connection from, say, a person to an event as private, but still have the person and the event available in the report, export, or website.

Fig. 2.1 Privacy overrides for Reports

In order to activate these two methods of privacy, you will need to indicate their use when creating some reports or exporting your data.


Gramps derives its core structure of items from a standard called GEDCOM. However, Gramps extends this standard where it has been deemed necessary. If you plan on using your family data with another system which uses GEDCOM, then you probably will want to try to restrict your use of features that are Gramps-only extensions. On the other hand, if you are not limited by other genealogical software, then you can enter your data in whatever ways make sense to you.

You can read more details about this issue in the section on Gramps and GEDCOM.

Zagon programa Gramps

The best way to learn Gramps is by working with your data. Let's get started!

The way you start Gramps depends on the operating system you are using.

As well as starting Gramps using the normal graphical user interface (GUI) as described below, it is also possible to start Gramps using a command line interface (CLI). CLI use can produce reports that are not available via the GUI, it can be used to create reports, do conversions etc. without opening a window, and can provide extra information in the event of problems. For more information, see the Command Line appendix.


Only the Linux platform is officially supported as Gramps developers use and test the source code on that platform, fixing any problems that arise due to upgrades.

Assuming you have used the standard Package Manager (either through a CLI or a GUI) for your Linux distribution, you will start Gramps in the normal way for your distribution. For example in Ubuntu 18.04, an icon is placed in the launcher, or the program can be started from Dash. For other distributions, an entry may be created in the Application menu (normally in the Office section).

Starting Gramps through the CLI on Linux is covered here.

MS Windows

MS(Microsoft) Windows is a community supported platform. If you install the Windows AIO GrampsAIO32 or GrampsAIO64 executable, then this will place an icon on the desktop as well as a menu item in the 'Start' menu, and you click on that to start Gramps.

Starting Gramps through the CLI on MS Windows is covered here.

There are other ways to install Gramps for MS Windows, but these are much more complicated and are not covered here.

Mac OS X

Apple Mac OS X (MacOS) is a community supported platform. If you download the Mac OS X disk image (.dmg), then you simply drag the application to your application folder (or anywhere else you want to store it) and start Gramps by double clicking on the application in the normal way.

Starting Gramps through the CLI on Mac OS X is covered here.

There are other ways to install Gramps for Mac OS X, but these are much more complicated and are not covered here.

Izbor rodovnika

Fig 2.2 Dashboard Category View - First open of Gramps with no family tree loaded(Gramps 5.1.0; MS-Windows 10)

If Gramps is started without a family tree selected, the initial screen will have little functionality. Most operations will not be available. To load a family tree (also referred to as database), select in the menu Family Trees->Manage Family Trees to open the family tree manager, or click the  Family Tree icon in the toolbar. Gramps keeps track of your recently opened Family Trees, and these can be selected by clicking on the arrow next to the  Family Tree button and choosing from the drop down menu.

For more detailed information on the Family Tree manager and the Family Trees menu, see the chapter dedicated to this: Manage Family Trees.

Povej mi kaj sedaj!

We advise everyone to read the manual to learn all about using Gramps. Genealogy takes time, so learning the tools is not wasted time.

However, if you really want the bare minimum to start, then read this:

Kako do pomoči

Gramps has a Help menu that you can consult at any time.

  • See the Help menu section.

Nazaj Kazalo Naprej
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