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Navodila Gramps 5.1 - Prvi začetki

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Zagon programa Gramps
{{languages/sl|Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual - Getting Started}}{{man index/sl|Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_What's_new?/sl |Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_Main_Window/sl|5.1/sl}}{{languages|Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual - Getting Started}}
In this section, we'll begin with the basicsV tem poglavju predstavimo osnove. First, we'll describe the basic concepts in Najprej opišemo osnovne pojme programa Gramps. ThenNato vam bomo pokazali, we'll show you how to start kako zagnati program Gramps and how to get help when you need itin kako poiskati pomoč, ko jo potrebujete.
Gramps is a freeje brezplačen in prost, open source odprtokoden program that has been designed to be a flexible and powerful genealogy tool, ki je bil zasnovan z namenom biti prilagodljivo in močno rodoslovno orodje. One can largely use Gramps anyway you wishLahko ga uporabljate na kakršen koli način želite. Ni ene in edine pravilne metode dela ali zapisovanja podatkov. There is no oneVendar pa, correct method of working or recording your data. Howeverče želite sodelovati z drugimi raziskovalci ali uporabniki drugih programov, if you wish to interact with other researchers or programsvam bo v pomoč, it helps to get an idea of how če se pred učenjem uporabe programa Gramps works before jumping into how to use the Gramps programseznanite z njegovim delovanjem.
Gramps separates all genealogical information into ločuje vse rodoslovne podatke na 9 primary itemsdelov:
* PeopleOsebe* FamiliesDružine* EventsDogodke* NotesOpombe* MediaPredmete* CitationsNavedke* SourcesVire* PlacesKraje* RepositoriesNahajališča
Each of these is composed of stand-alone itemsVsak od teh delov je sestavljen iz samostojnih elementov. That means that you can enter into your family tree one item at a timeTo pomeni, and in any order that you wantda lahko v svoj rodovnik vnašate en element naenkrat, ne glede na vrstni red. For exampleNa primer, you might want to enter each Person item firstnajprej bi radi vnesli podatke o vsaki osebi, and then connect them together by creating Family items laternato ju združili v družino. Or, you might start with Source items, and only create a Person item as your research warrants itLahko pa bi raje začeli z vnosom virov in šele nato dodali podatek o osebi. OrLahko pa tudi različne načine vnosa mešate med seboj, you can mix these styles of entering data by adding some Note and Source itemstako da najprej dodate opombe in vire, then Family itemsnato družine, then later return to Notes and Sourceskasneje pa se vrnete k urejanju opomb in virov. In a wordSkratka, rodoslovne raziskave vodite, you do your genealogical research however you wishkakor vam ustreza.
If you have additional questionsČe imate dodatna vprašanja, vam je na voljo skupnost uporabnikov in razvijalcev programa Gramps has a community of users and developers. There is a Odgovore na najpogostejša vprašanja dobite v poglavju [[Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_FAQ/sl|FAQPZV]] (frequently asked question list); a mailing list; , uporabite lahko dopisni seznam, [[Using_the_bug_tracker/sl|a bugjavite hrošča, feature requestzahtevate novo zmožnost, and issue trackerin spremljate razvoj]]; and an on-line chat room, in internetno klepetalnico.
These Teh 9 primary items are connected in a number of waysosnovnih elementov je medsebojno povezanih na veliko načinov. Some of these connections are maintained implicitlyNekateri izmed njih so le implicitni. For exampleNa primer, adding a Person item to a Family item as a parentče dodate osebo družini kot starša, or childse med njima samodejno ustvari posebna povezava, automatically creates a special connectionki se imenuje "navedba". Tako lahko v glavnem oknu v pogledu Osebe pod zavihkom Navedbe najdete vse družine, called a '''Reference'''s katerimi je oseba povezana. You can see the Families a Person is connected to in the References tab on the main Person window. There are many other ways that these connections are also visualized in V programu Grampsje na voljo vrsta različnih predstavitev takšnih povezav, including the Relationship Viewmed njimi npr. pogled Sorodstvo.
To keep from repeating information, V izogib podvajanju podatkov vam program Gramps allows you to reuse, or share, itemsomogoča ponovno uporabo in deljenje istih podatkov. These are also special connections, called '''links'''V tem primeru se povezave imenujejo "povezave". For example, a Person item can be linked to any number of Note itemsOsebo npr. If a note mentions two separate people, then it might make sense to share that single note with both of the person itemslahko povežete s poljubnim številom opomb. Po drugi strani pa lahko ena opomba velja za več oseb hkrati.
Some links have information themselvesDoločene povezave nosijo informacijo same zase. For exampleČe namreč povežete osebo z dogodkom poroka nekega drugega para, you can link a person to another couple's marriage eventlahko pomeni, say, because the person was a witness at their weddingda je bila oseba priča na poroki. However, the husband and wife are linked to the marriage event in a '''primary''' roleSeveda pa sta zakonca povezana na dogodek poroka v sklopu primarne vloge, whereas a witness fills a different role, epriča pa na isti dogodek v sklopu sekundarne vloge.g. as a '''witness'''. This type of information is kept on the link itself, in the role propertyTovrstni podatek je shranjen v sami povezavi kot lastnost te povezave.
Gramps supports two different methods to protect the privacy of sensitive data in your family treeomogoča varovanje zasebnosti na dva načina. These methods are used when sharing your data with othersV poštev prideta, either through the creation of a reportko želite deliti podatke z drugimi, exporting of data, or through the creation of a websitebodisi v obliki poročila bodisi v obliki izvoza podatkov ali spletne strani.
The first method protects information on people who Gramps believes are alivePrvi način varovanja zasebnosti je poseben način obravnavanja ljudi, ki so verjetno še živi. If you have not specifically indicated that a person is dead Če pri določeni osebi niste posebej navedli, da je že umrla (by adding a Death Event to a Person itemtorej dodali dogodka smrti), then Gramps has a sophisticateduporablja poseben način samodejnega določanja, automatic function for determining if someone is aliveali je neka oseba še živa ali ne. Living people have their sensitive data redacted when using this methodŠe žive osebe imajo pri svojih podatkih podrobnosti skrite. For example, a person named "Smith, John" could appear as "Smith, Na primer: Janez Novak bo morda prikazan kot Novak [Livingše živi]".
The second privacy method is an explicit Drugi način varovanja zasebnosti je izrecna [[Gramps_GlossarySlovar_izrazov_Gramps#private_tagoznaka_zasebno|oznaka "privatezasebno" flag]] which you can set on each item, ki jo lahko dodelite vsaki stvari. For example, you might have sensitive, personal information in a noteMorda imate na primer občutljiv zapis v opombi. If you mark such a note as privateTakšni opombi daste oznako zasebno, then that note will not be shown in textual and narrative reports or exportstako da se opomba ne bo več izpisovala v poročilih. Also be aware that some links themselves can be marked privateZ oznako zasebno lahko označite tudi nekatere povezave. This is useful when you want to mark the connection from, say, a person to an event as private, but still have the person and the event available in the reportTo je koristno, exportkadar želite skriti določeno osebo samo pri nekem dogodku, or websitene bi pa je radi povsem izpustili iz poročil.
[[File:Include_private.png|thumb|250px|right|Fig. {{#var:chapter}}.{{#vardefineecho:figure|{{#expr:{{#var:figure}}+1}}}} Privacy overrides for Reports]]In order to activate these two methods of privacyDa bi se ti dve metodi upoštevanja zaupnosti tudi uveljavili, you will need morate to indicate their use when creating some reports or exporting your dataobkljukati pri vsakem izvozu ali pri pripravi poročila.
Gramps derives its core structure of items from a standard called temelji s svojo osnovno strukturo na standardu GEDCOM. HoweverVendar je standard v programu Gramps razširjen, Gramps extends this standard where it has been deemed necessarykadar je bilo potrebno. If you plan on using your family data with another system which uses Če nameravate uporabljati svoje družinske podatke z drugim sitemom, ki prav tako sloni na GEDCOM, then you probably will want to try to restrict your use of features that are potem boste najverjetneje hoteli omejiti uporabo dodatkov, ki so na voljo le v programu Gramps-only extensions. On the other handPo drugi strani pa, če niste omejeni z drugimi rodoslovnimi programi, if you are not limited by other genealogical softwarelahko vnašate podatke, then you can enter your data in whatever ways make sense to youkakor koli se vam zdi smiselno.
You can read more details about this issue in the section on Podrobnosti o tem lahko preberete v poglavju [[Gramps and GEDCOM/sl|Gramps in GEDCOM]].
==Zagon programa Gramps==
The best way to learn Najboljši način učenja programa Gramps is by working with your dataje delo z njim in vašimi podatki. Let's get startedPa začnimo!
The way you start Gramps depends on the operating system you are usingzaženemo v vsakem operacijskem sistemu nekoliko drugače.
As well as starting Poleg zagona programa Gramps using the normal graphical user interface z običajnim grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom (GUI) as described below, it is also possible to start kot je prikazano tu spodaj, je možno zagnati Gramps using a command line interface tudi iz ukazne vrstice (CLI). CLI use can produce reports that are not available via the omogoča izdelavo poročil, ki v GUIniso na voljo, it can be used to create reports, do conversions etc. without opening a window, and can provide izvajanje pretvorb brez odpiranja oken ter izpis povratnih informacij [[Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_Error_and_Warning_Reference/sl#Seeing_all_the_error_messagesPrikaz_vseh_napak|extra informationpovratnih informacij]] in the event of problemsob napakah. For more information, see Več o tem najdete v [[Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual - Command Line/sl|the Command Line appendixPrilogi o ukazni vrstici]].
=== Linux ===
Only the Uradno je podprta le različica za Linux platform is officially supported as , saj razvijalci programa Gramps developers use and test the source code on that platform, fixing any problems that arise due to upgradesuporabljajo in testirajo izvorno kodo na tej platformi.
Assuming you have used the standard Package Manager (either through a CLI or a GUI) for your Linux distribution, you will start Gramps in the normal way for your distribution. For example in Ubuntu 18.04, an icon is placed in the launcher, or the program can be started from Dash. For other distributions, an entry may be created in the Application menu (normally in the '''Office''' section).
{{man index/sl|Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_What's_new? |Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_Main_Window|5.1}}{{languages/sl|Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual - Getting Started}}

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