Mac OS X:Build from source:MacPorts

From Gramps

MacPorts is a package manager for Apple Mac providing access to thousands of open source packages. It allows you to easily install, upgrade or even uninstall software onto your Mac.

Installing Gramps using MacPorts

Gramps version available from MacPorts is: 5.2.3 ( )

  1. Download and install the latest Xcode tools from
  2. Download and install Macports from
  3. Open from /Applications/Utilities and enter these commands:
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gramps

If you are running a recent version of macOS / OS X (Snow Leopard, or later, at this point), much of the support software is pre-compiled and will install as quickly as it is downloaded.

Running Gramps

Use Terminal to start gramps:



You may wish to install Graphviz to handle some of the graphical reports that Gramps can produce. MacPorts can provide you with either graphical or command-line based versions of either a 'stable' or 'development' release of Graphviz. 'graphviz-gui' is recommended unless you know that you have a need for the development version. Install with:

sudo port install graphviz-gui


Please don't hesitate to create a macports ticket if you find a problem that you believe is related to the MacPorts build process.