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Gramps 3.2 Wiki Manual - FAQ/zh

541 bytes removed, 02:59, 11 February 2010
GRAMPS 所需最低配置?
我们建议最低显卡像素为 800x600 。 对于版本 GRAMPS 3.1,内存需求已经被削减,它可以有效的运行在256MB内存的系统中。如果系统有512MB的内存,则可以同时运行200,000人的数据。对于典型的数据库,数据库所占的磁盘空间相应的也变大了。针对120,000人来讲,你必须考虑有530MB的数据库空间。图片应该分开存放,因此大容量的硬盘空间十分有必要。
We would recommend at least an 800x600 video display. For GRAMPS 3.1, the memory requirements have been reduced, and GRAMPS can run quite efficiently on a 256MB system, holding considerably more people. A system with 512MB should be able to hold around 200,000 people. Disk space requirements for databases are however considerably larger, with a typical database being several megabytes in size. For 120.000 people you must consider already 530Mb for the database. Pictures are stored on disk separately, so a large harddisk is necessary.
===如何升级 GRAMPS?===

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