Gramps 3.4 and earlier.
Any files listed here may be not suitable for normal every day use! (My lawyer advised me to say that, but many people are using this and have reported no problems at all.) Any comments and help (e.g. on wiki pages) are welcome. Josip For Gramps 4.0.x to early builds of Gramps 4.2.4 see GrampsAIO-4 For Gramps 4.2.4 and newer see GrampsAIO-cxfreeze-based
The Gramps "software bundle" for Windows or GrampsAIO is an all-in-one (a.k.a. "AIO") installation package of Gramps which includes all dependencies for the Windows platform.
Gramps AIO (32bit)
AIO 3.4.6-1
AIO 3.2.5-1
AIO 3.2.5-2
AIO 3.2.5-3
AIO 3.2.5-4
AIO 3.2.5-5
AIO 3.2.6-1
2011-06-21 Includes: Gramps 3.3.0, Python (2.7.2), GTK & PyGTK ... plus GhostScript for reports, GraphViz and goocanvas for graphs, GtkSpell and various dictionaries for spell-checking, osmgpsmap for GeographyView, pyexiv2, convert and jhead for ImageMetadata
2011-10-02 Includes: Gramps 3.3.1, Python (2.7.2), GTK & PyGTK ... plus GhostScript for reports, GraphViz and goocanvas for graphs, GtkSpell and various dictionaries for spell-checking, osmgpsmap for GeographyView, pyexiv2, convert and jhead for ImageMetadata
2011-10-05 Added: Python Imaging Library (PIL) 1.1.7
Gramps AIO (64bit)
AIO64 4.0.2-1
- bump version
- gexiv2-0.7.0: recent fix for libmetadata.py
- libgoocanvas-2.0.2 (for GraphView see bug 7109)
- opencv-2.4.6 + cv2 (see bug 5674)
- django-1.4.10
AIO64 3.2.5-1
AIO64 3.2.5-2
AIO64 3.2.5-3
AIO64 3.2.5-4
AIO64 3.2.6-1
AIO64 3.3.0_beta-1
2011-05-29 Includes: Gramps 3.3.0, Python (2.7.2), GTK & PyGTK ... plus GhostScript for reports, GraphViz and goocanvas for graphs, GtkSpell and various dictionaries for spell-checking, osmgpsmap for GeographyView, pyexiv2, convert and jhead for ImageMetadata
- bump version:
- GTK 2.24.7
- Graphviz 2.28.0
- GooCanvas 1.0.0
- fix:
See also