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GEPS 010: Relational Backend

No change in size, 01:03, 28 January 2013
'''This proposal has been withdrawn.''' It has been superseded by [[GEPS 013: GRAMPS Gramps Webapp]] which can create a SQL interface. However, there is a SQL import and export Addon.
This page is for the discussion of a proposed implementation of a SQL backend for GRAMPS.
I have been writing SQL for 20 years :) --[[User:Gburto01|Gburto01]] 23:06, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
Perhaps one of the most important reasons for moving away from a low-level datastore is to allow more sophisticated interfaces. Currently BSDDB offers transactions and recover, or multiuser access, but not both together. If we want to have a GRAMPS webapp or a multiuser GTK interface (for examples), then we would have to either disable transactions and recover (dangerous!) or switch backends. (Another option would be to write a server interface, but the complexity of that is probably on par with just switching backends. See [[GEPS 013: GRAMPS Gramps Webapp]] for more discussion.)
== Discussions of BSDDB in Python ==

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