Existing reports from other genealogy programs

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Directory of existing reports from other genealogy programs useful to the practice of genealogy.

To see a sample of report that Gramps produces visit: Sample reports.

Also, there is a compare tab on Checklist.

OpenSource programs web demos

Some resources on the following sites:

Shareware/Commercial examples


The figure below shows an example of a Descendants charts that can be produced from the shareware Gene program (which runs on the 'classic' Mac OS). The original output is designed (in this case) for A4 landscape printing, so the whole chart fits across the page, and would probably cover two pages downwards. (The print mechanism cleverly prints right to the top and bottom of the printable area, so there is no wasted space, and the bottom of the print is not lost over the unprintable area). The application can produce ancestor or descendant charts. There are option for the amount of information shown for the people, and the page layout can either be landscape or portrait.

This chart is noteworthy because the application very cleverly lays out the chart so that it is very compact but still shows each generation on the same level. I have not seen such a compact and clear layout in any other application.

The chart is of the British royal family starting from King George V; the GEDCOM is available on the net as royal92.ged

Desc of George V.gif

The Master Genealogist

  • Sample reports, Some of the reports that can be produced with The Master Genealogist (TMG)