
From Gramps
Revision as of 09:24, 10 December 2010 by Romjerome (talk | contribs) (Pass 1: generate a tmp XML with only data for generating the report, to load it as input)
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Lines of descendants chart

DescendantsLines is an in-development plugin for Gramps which generates a graphical descendants tree using orthogonal edges.


2007: Adam Sampson has written a standalone python script for parsing data.gramps (GRAMPS XML). [1]

2010: this script needs some updates for avoiding minor issues.

A modified script is available on the addons repository. [2]


The code ignores role on event (was added in 2007).

Descendants Lines

There is an experimental try for migrating this Gtk/cairo code to a draw plugin working into Gramps (font, style, path, canvas, output formats).

Draft version is available on Addons repository as unstable (beta). [3]

The idea will be to keep the Gramps XML parsing, but with a copy of the active database and use of current report environment (output formats, style, path).


Pass 1: generate a tmp XML with only data for generating the report, to load it as input

  1. Enable Person selection (Gramps ID) - done
  2. Generate a temp Gramps XML database matching 'IsDescendantFamilyOf' filter rule - done
  3. Input path - done
  4. Clean-up - done
  • simple Gramps XML template with events, persons, families objects (only export primary event role reference).
  • key/filter issues remain, currently export all persons to XML file.
  • 'localized' dates (does not follow last DTD, which uses english and ISO format)
  • a basic persons list print for draw report: this avoids empty returns when generating the report and could help to check what is missing (see above).
  • output path and format are hardcoded: $HOME/DescendantsLines.png

FINISHED - it works fine!

Pass 2: use draw report environment

  1. Move Gtk code to draw report (if possible)
  2. Move cairo code to draw report (if possible)
  3. Output path
  4. Clean-up, pylint, etc ...

Feel free to contribute or improve it.