Addon:All Names Quickview

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All Names of All People - Quickview - results window

The All Names of All People - Quickview shows:

  • All names of all people
  • The associated primary name
  • The type of name

These events are sorted by name, but can be sorted by any column by clicking the column header.

You can activate the Quickview by right-clicking on a person's name in the People Category View, and selecting "Quick View", and "All Names of All People".


You can also use the Quickview as a Gramplet:

  1. select the Dashboard Category View
  2. right-click in an open area, and select "Add a gramplet"
  3. left-click on "Quick View" Gramplet"
  4. Select "Configure the active view" from the toolbar and then select the "Quick View" tab
  5. Select View Type: "Person", and select the appropriate Quick View, and press "Save"
  6. Close the "Configure the active view" dialog


Double-click a row in the Quickview to bring up a dialog showing the person associated with the name.


  • Quickview dashboard link does not work.