What to do for a release

From Gramps
'Developer notes for What to do for a release '

Note that the main use of this page will be for making a normal "minor" release. If you are making a "major" release (e.g. x.y.0) then you will need to update this page first, to change the numbers. But if you are only making an "alpha" or "beta" release, some steps may be skipped, or altered slightly.

Note also that there are additional necessary Post release tasks which are related to making a new release. For instance, the wiki will require making a new release-section and updating "General" version templates. For the making a new release-section on the bug tracker. Or when making new Debian and Mac and Windows packaging, they will need to be coordinated with the appropriate package maintainers and updating the corresponding Versions : Templates.


Agree a release timetable

Co-ordinate with the package maintainers to agree a release timetable. For a major release there may be a schedule on the Roadmap

Announce a feature freeze

For a major release, announce a feature freeze on the gramps-devel mailing list. This will usually be about 4 weeks before the release date.

Translation update

The translation template should be updated, if necessary, just before the string freeze is announced.

  • Check for new files since the last release:
 cd po
 intltool-update -m 
That will create a file called missingin the po directory if there are new files that need to be scanned for translatable strings. Examine each of the files listed in missing, adding each to POTFILES.in if it contains translatable string constants and to POTFILES.skip if it does not.
  • Generate a new template file:
 python3 update_po.py -p # makes a new gramps.pot template file
 git diff gramps.pot
Examine the changes. If they're all just comments about where a string is found you need not commit the change (so the next line will restore the official file, instead of the one you just made):
 git restore gramps.pot
If there have been changes on msgid entries, you'll need to commit gramps.pot and ask translators to update their .po files before you can make a release:
 git add gramps.pot
 git commit -m "Update translation template for new release"
  • Check current translation files:
 python3 update_po.py -k all
There should be very few warnings or fatal errors. Warnings related to new languages using default values in their headers are acceptable. There will also be some fatal errors reported due to the non-standard way we handle inflected dates. See the section on Localizing the date formats in the Date Handler wiki page for further details. For example "{long_month}" may be translated as "{long_month.f[Р]}".
All other fatal errors should be fixed.

Also see:

Announce a string freeze

For a major release, announce a string freeze on the gramps-devel mailing list and on Weblate. This will usually be about 2 weeks before the release date.

In the Program component on Weblate, select "Manage⟶Post announcement" from the menu. Enter an Expiry date the day before the release date, and select the Notify users checkbox to send a notification to all subscribed users.

Prepare your repository

  • Check out the current stable branch:
 git checkout maintenance/gramps52
That branch name assumes that you're using the same name as the Github repository; if you're not (perhaps you don't use maintenance in the name) use your local name.
  • Make sure that your local copy is clean:
 git status
If you have any uncommitted changes, either commit them now or stash them until after you've completed the release.
  • Clean up any untracked files and make sure that the local repo is up to date:
 git clean -fdx
 git pull --rebase
If you had commits that hadn't been pushed yet they'll show up as "applying" messages in the output of this command. If that's the case re-run the tests and push as usual.
  • Build and test to make sure that everything works, then clean the repo of all build products.

Check the About box year

Check if the year in the About box needs to be updated


  © 2007-2024 The Gramps Developers 


  © 2007-2025 The Gramps Developers.

Found in gramps/gen/const.py

API docs update year

If needed in the file:


Update the year for the copyright.

copyright = '2001-2025, The Gramps Project'

Update Classifier in setup.py

Change Classifier to the appropriate one in setup.py (master is always the first one)

Development Status :: 1 - Planning
Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Development Status :: 4 - Beta
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable

Check if any additional language classifier needs to be added also.

Release name

Refer to (and update) the list of previous releases.

Previously you needed to select an appropriate name but we have not named releases for several years now. You will still need to add the release though, including things like its relevant color.

  • Suggestions : For Gramps 5.0 Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving

Changelog and NEWS file

Section 2a of the General Public License says that if you distribute a modified version of a program: you must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

Note that the 5.2.4 below means the previous version, not the one you're about to release (which is the ..).

git log v5.2.4.. --pretty --numstat --summary --no-merges | git2cl > ChangeLog
git log v5.2.4.. --pretty --numstat --summary --no-merges -- po/*.po | git2cl > po/ChangeLog
git add ChangeLog
git add po/ChangeLog
  • Edit and update the NEWS file using the new ChangeLog entries as a guide. If this is the first branch in a new series there will be no NEWS file, so look at a previous release and mimic the format.

Commit the NEWS file:

git add NEWS
git commit -m "Update Changelog and NEWS files"

Working on VERSION

  • Check that the VERSION_TUPLE reflects the release you're about to make. It should if the version was bumped after the last release. If not, fix it.
  • Save the changes:
git commit -am "Release Gramps 5.2.4"
  • Check that the version number is correct:
python3 Gramps.py -v
  • If everything looks good, push the changes:
 git push origin maintenance/gramps52
  • If that fails then someone pushed a commit while you were working. Return to Prepare your repository and start over.

Create a tag

Create the release tag; note the v leading the actual tag.:

git tag -am "Tag 5.2.4" v5.2.4

Push to repository

Push the changes to the repository:

git push origin v5.2.4

Move to the new release number on branch

Bump the version number in gramps/version.py

Update the version for the release:

VERSION_TUPLE = (4, 2, ...)

Revert change on DEV_VERSION so that the git revision is appended to the reported version in non-release builds:


Save change:

git commit -am "Bump to <new version number>"
git push


  • Github generates a tarball automatically when we push a tag.
  • Go to Github and log in if necessary.
  • Select NN Releases from the line of items just above the thick line (NN is the number of releases so far).
  • Find the tag you just pushed and click it, or click the "Draft a new release" button.
  • Copy the NEWS file contents into the Write tab. You can use the Preview tab to check your formatting.
  • Add the sh256sum of the source distribution to the bottom of the release notes.

You can obtain the sha256sum with the following command:

git archive --format=tar --prefix=gramps-5.2.4 v5.2.4 | gzip | sha256sum

Alternatively, download it and use:

sha256sum gramps-5.2.4.tar.gz
  • Click Publish Release at the bottom of the edit area when you're satisfied with the contents.


  • Go to the SourceForge files page and log in if necessary.
  • Click on Stable or Unstable depending on the class of the release you're making.
  • Click Add Folder and name the directory for the release version. Click "'Create'". Click your new folder to enter it.
  • You can either download the GitHub-generated tarball or create one locally:
 python3 setup.py sdist
  • Click Add File and drag the tarball to the drop area on the web page.
  • Copy the release notes from GitHub into a file called README.md and upload it.

Announcing the new release

  • update mantisdb(Bug/issue database) and enable the new version via Admin:Projects item for reporting issues. (You will need a high-enough status on the bug tracker in order to do this, so you can ask an appropriate person if you aren't.)
  • announce on [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] (You will need to be a member of all three lists first, to send to them.)
  • announce on the Discourse forum in the "Announcements" category.
  • announce on Gramps blog (File under: Gramps Releases and News) (not needed for an alpha or beta release)
  • update News section on this wiki (not needed for an alpha or beta release)
  • update the list of previous releases
  • update reference to the new version on the wiki template (not needed for an alpha or beta release)
  • Verify other "version" Wiki templates values: Last version, Stable version, etc.
  • update HeadlineNews (not needed for an alpha or beta release)
  • update release date on the Download page (not needed for an alpha or beta release)
  • change the Matrix room title and IRC channel title (not needed for an alpha or beta release)
  • update the version number at Wikipedia (not needed for an alpha or beta release)


  • merge forward the NEWS file

See also

Windows 32x32.png Building Gramps AIO cx freeze-based - Updating the MS-Windows 32-bit and 64-bit All-In-One packages

External links