Used to show:
Gramps version 3.4.x, 4.x, 5.x + Navigator and Toolbar Reference
Standard: Icons for Gramps 4.x series:Navigator:Categories and Standard: Icons for Gramps 5.x series:Navigator:Categories
- Dashboard: {{icon|gram}} — formerly Gramplets in Gramps 3.4.x and earlier
- People: {{icon|peop}}
- Relationships: {{icon|rela}}
- Families: {{icon|fami}}
- Charts: {{icon|ance}} — formerly Ancestry in Gramps 3.4.x and earlier
- Events: {{icon|even}}
- Places: {{icon|plac}}
- Geography: {{icon|geog}}
- Sources: {{icon|sour34}}
- Citations: {{icon|cite}}
- Repositories: {{icon|repo}}
- Media: {{icon|medi}}
- Notes: {{icon|note}}
Standard Toolbar Icons that appear depending on the selected Gramps:Navigator:Category
The Following two Toolbar icon's appear in all Navigator Views.
- Family Trees: {{icon|ance}} (identical icon to "Navigator:Charts")
- Connect to a recent database: [[File:DownwardsTriangleArrowhead20x20.png|16px]] {{icon|tdow}} (Drop down Arrow: shows a selection list of available Family Trees (databases))
Toolbar Icon's in Object Editor tabs
buttons +, Add, Edit, -, Up and Down
When a Family Tree is open the Following Toolbar icon's appear in All the Navigator Views.
- (Group of 3 icons)
- Configure View...: {{icon|tcfv}}
When a Family Tree is open the Following Toolbar icon's appear in selected Navigator Views (as listed).
- (Group of 2 icons) - Appears for: All Navigator views except Dashboard.
- (1 icon) - Appears for: People / Relationships / Charts
- (Group of 4 icons) - Appears for: People / Families / Events / Places / Sources / Repositories / Media / Notes
- (1 icon) - Appears for: People / Families / Media / Notes
With No family tree
Based on starting up Gramps (with no downloaded addons/plugins or patches), the following icons show for each:
- Dashboard (Gramps 4.x +) / Gramplets (Gramps 3.4.x & earlier)
- People
- Person View: {{icon|tpers}}
- Person Tree View: {{icon|tpetv}}
- Relationships
- Families
- Charts (Gramps 4.x +) / Ancestry (Gramps 3.4.x & earlier)
- Pedigree View: {{icon|tpedi}}
- Fan Chart View: {{icon|tfanc}}
- Events
- Places
- Place View: {{icon|tpers}}
- Place Tree View: {{icon|tpetv}}
- Geography
- Person: {{icon|tgpe}}
- Family: {{icon|tgfa}}
- Places: {{icon|tgpl}}
- Events: {{icon|tgev}}
- Sources
- Citations
- Repositories
- Media
- Notes
New empty Family tree
Based on starting up Gramps with no downloaded addon's or plugin's etc and creating and opening a blank Family Tree, the following show for each:
- Dashboard: {{icon|gram}}
- People: {{icon|peop}}
- Person View: {{icon|tpers}}
- Person Tree View: {{icon|tpetv}}
- Relationships: {{icon|rela}}
- Families: {{icon|fami}}
- Charts: {{icon|ance}}
- Pedigree View: {{icon|tpedi}}
- Fan Chart View: {{icon|tfanc}}
- Events: {{icon|even}}
- Places: {{icon|plac}}
- Map Services (default:OpenStreetMap): {{icon|tmps}}
- Select a Map Service: {{icon|tdow}} (Drop down Arrow: shows a selection list of available Map Services (3 to choose from)
- Place View: {{icon|tpers}}
- Place Tree View: {{icon|tpetv}}
- Map Services (default:OpenStreetMap): {{icon|tmps}}
- Geography: {{icon|geog}}
- Person: {{icon|tgpe}}
- Family: {{icon|tgfa}}
- Places: {{icon|tgpl}}
- Events: {{icon|tgev}}
- Sources: {{icon|sour34}}
- Citations: {{icon|cite}}
- Repositories: {{icon|repo}}
- Media: {{icon|medi}}
- View: {{icon|tvew}}
See also
- Icons from Gramps icon set
- Template:Icon/doc
- Toolbar button usage descriptions
- Request 12497 : Development of a distinctive Gramps icon theme stencil
Note:If no string is passed to the template a question mark like above is displayed.
Based on Template:Icon from Wikipedia
Toolbar icons to be added to template:icon
- tfam Family Trees (identical icon to "Navigator:Charts")
- tdow Connect to a recent database (Drop down Arrow)
- tmps Map Services (Default:OpenStreetMap)
- tdow Select a Map Service (Drop down Arrow) same icon as Connect to a recent database
- tclp Clipboard
- trpt Reports
- ttls Tools
- tcfv Configure View...
- tbac Back
- tfor Forward
- thom Home
- tadd Add...
- tedi Edit...
- trmv Remove
- tmrg Merge...
- ttag Tag
- tpedi Pedigree View
- tfanc Fan Chart View
- tvew View
- tedac Edit...
- tadpr Add
- tshar Share
- treor Reorder
- Geography
- tgpe Person
- tgfa Family
- tgpl Places
- tgev Events
Place in the following format and then load the icon and add the relevant file name before moving above:
|xxxx = Symbol question.svg | xxxxx |tpers = Symbol question.svg | PersonPlaceView |tpetv = Symbol question.svg | PersonPlaceTreeView