Latin words and expressions/C
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Latin words and expressions starting with the letter C.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - @ - * |
- c.,can.
- canonicus
- ca.
- circa
- cant.
- cantor
- capell.
- capellanus
- civ.
- civis, civissa
- cod.
- codex
- cojug.
- conjuges
- com.
- comes, comitis, comitissa
- conj.
- conjug(i)alis
- conjug.
- conju(n)x
- Cons.eccl.Rom.Smtis
- Consuetis ecclesiae Romanae Sacramentis
- cop.
- copulata, copulatus
- C.S.
- consiliarius
- cust.
- custos
- cac(c)abus
- cooking pot
- cacelanus
- chaplain
- cachexia
- the green disease
- cacubarius
- (profession) oven tiler
- cadaver
- corpse
- caduceator
- negotiator; bridgebuilder, roadmaker
- caecus
- blind
- cae-, coe-, celebs (-libis)
- single, unmarried man
- cae-, coelibatus
- unmarried
- caelator
- metal carver, engraver
- caelator ferarius
- metal cutter, stamp cutter
- caelator gemmarum
- gemmologist, gemstone carver
- caelator monetarium
- coin die cutter
- caelator typorum
- letter cutter
- caelum abiit (in...)
- has gone to heaven
- caementarius
- stonecarver, stonemason
- calcarius
- nail smith
- calcearius, calceator calcianius, calceolarius, calciarius
- shoemaker
- calciferrator
- horseshoe smith
- calculus
- calculating pfennig (nl) (pfennig used in combination with a board to be able to calculate)
- calendae
- first day of the month
- calida febri
- by a hot fever
- califex
- shoemaker
- caligarius
- sockmaker; soldiers-aid
- caligator
- sockmaker, trousers maker
- callifex
- laarzenfabrikant
- cambitor
- money-changer
- camerarius
- chamberlain
- campa
- excuse
- campæ
- excuses
- campana
- clock
- campana decimalis
- decimal clock
- campanæ
- clocks
- campanula
- small clock, bell
- campanulæ
- bells
- campi custos
- local policeman (guard of the fields)
- campi pars
- tax paid in the form of fruits/vegetables
- campus
- open field, plain; battlefield
- cancellarius
- chancellor
- candelarum artifex
- candle-maker
- candidarius
- bleacher
- canisius
- dogs (small)
- canonicus
- canon (priest)
- cantatum
- sung
- cantor
- singer
- cantrifex, cantrifusor
- tingieter
- capellanus/ni
- chaplain/s
- capellania castralis
- territory of a chapel and its chaplain - originally connected to a castel (often a territory is a chapels territory before becoming a parish)
- capellanus
- chaplain, underpriest
- capellula
- small chapel
- capillamentarius
- wig-maker
- capitagium
- capital tax, head tax
- capitaneus
- (mil.) captain
- capitaneus equestris
- (mil) cavelry captain
- caponator
- innkeeper
- caput
- head
- carbonarius
- coal burner
- carcanum
- necklace of iron to prevent criminals of escaping
- carcer
- dungeon, underground prison
- caretarius
- driver
- carnifex, carnificis
- executioner; butcher
- carpentarius
- timmerman; carriage maker
- carrura
- wagon, carriage
- carta
- charter, deed
- castellana
- viscountess
- castellania
- most important legal and civil organisation structure in the county of Flanders. It's head was the viscount.
- castellanus
- castle lord, viscount
- castellum, castrum
- keep
- catabolensis
- cargo driver
- catalogus confirmatorum
- namelist of the people who recieved the sacrament of confirmation
- cataphractarius
- cuirassier
- catarrhus
- catarrh
- catholicus
- catholic
- catopt(r)icus
- mirror-maker
- caupo
- innkeeper, winetapper, brew-master
- caupona
- inn; shop
- causa mortis
- cause of death
- causa uxoris
- uit hoofde van het huwelijk
- causidicus
- lawyer
- cautio, cavere
- be carefull; bail
- cavere de rato
- remain bail as long as the most important debtor accepts it for good
- cecus
- blind
- cedere
- pass over
- celebrare
- celebrate
- celebratus
- celebrated
- celebravi
- I have celebrated
- celebs, coelebs
- unmarried
- cellarius
- kitchen or cellar master
- cementarius
- stonemason
- cemeterio
- on the graveyard
- cenotaphium
- monument in the honour of somebody who's corpse is not present
- censor librorum
- censor (Catholic Church), a church official who approves and, if necessary, removes material from texts for publication
- censuarius
- leaseholder (hereditary), long-lease tenant
- census
- tax
- census hereditas
- leasehold (hereditary), long-lease tenant
- centenarius, centarius
- person who has 100 years
- centesimo
- hundred
- centesimus
- a hundredst (fraction)
- centum
- hundred
- centurio
- (mil.) captain, commander over hundered men
- centurio equestris
- cavelry captain
- cerarius
- wax-maker
- cerdo
- shoemaker, unschooled, handlaborer,tanner
- certa, certum, certus
- certain
- ceterus
- other
- c(h)elista
- violist, violin builder, violin player
- chiliarcha
- (mil.) colonel
- chirotecarius
- gloves maker
- chirotheragius,chirotherarius
- healer (less renowned than a medic), surgeon
- chirurgus (juratus)
- (sworn) healer, surgeon
- christiane
- in christian methods
- cimiterium
- graveyard
- cingularius
- belt-maker
- circa
- circa
- circiter
- around
- circa primam matutinam
- around one o'clock in the morning
- circa secundam nocturnam
- around two o'clock in the night
- circa undecimam antemeridianam
- around eleven o'clock in the forenoon
- circa duodecimam diurnam
- at twelve o'clock in the day
- circa meridiem
- around midday
- circa tertiam pomeridianam
- around three o'clock in the afternoon
- circa quintam vespertinam
- around five o'clock in the evening
- circa undecimam nocturnam
- around eleven o'clock in the night
- circa vesperam
- in the evening
- circulator
- marketeer; quackerist
- civis
- citizen (male)
- civissa
- citizen (female)
- civitas
- city
- clancula
- in secret
- clarissimus
- very famous
- clarum vivorum propagines
- family tree
- clauculo
- in secret
- claudus
- limp
- clericus
- clergy; apprentice; academic, savent
- clericus scabinorum
- alderman's clerk, sheriff's clerk
- clibanarius
- baker; oven mason; (mil.) cuirassier
- clusor
- (iron) smith; hunting aid
- coadjunctor
- added, help
- cocus
- cook
- codex
- handwriting
- coelebs
- unmarried, single
- coelibatus
- unmarried status
- coemeterio
- graveyard
- cognatio, congationis
- blood relative on mother's side
- cognatus
- blood relative on father's side (??mother??)
- cognita/tus
- relative (known)
- cognomen
- familyname
- collactanea
- breastfeeding sister (not a real sister, but feeding from the same woman)
- collactaneus
- breastfeeding brother (not a real brother, but feeding from the same woman)
- collateralis
- relative by blood in a sideways manner
- collator
- who has to right to assign a position
- collybista
- coinmaker
- colonellus
- colonel
- colonia
- leased farm
- colonus
- peasant, farmer, builder, colonial, citizen, inhabitant
- colorator
- painter
- combusta, combustus
- burned
- comes
- count
- comitin
- of the count
- comitissa
- countess
- commater
- godmother (female godparent)
- commendator
- commander
- commendator provincialis
- landkomtuur, landkommandeur (over een balije van een ridderorde)
- commissarius
- commissar, agent
- commissio
- task, trial, assignment
- commorans
- stying at, living in
- commorans apud
- stying with, living with
- commorare
- to stay
- commutator
- money-changer
- communicantes
- communicans
- communitas
- village, community
- comparare
- appear
- compater, compatris
- godfather
- compere
- godfather
- compositor calopodiorum
- woodenshoes-maker
- compositor vaginarum
- scabbard maker
- comprivignus
- fellow stepson
- computus
- account
- concillium Tridentinum
- the Council of Trent
- concubinatus
- an alternative marriage with the Romans (with concubine, typically if women cannot pay dowry)
- concursus
- exam to become a priest
- condicta
- bride, betrothed
- condictus
- groom, bridegroom
- condimentarius
- spice-seller, grocer, pharmacist, druggist
- conditio
- profession
- conditione (sub-)
- (under) conditions
- confamiliaris
- belonging to the family
- confesso
- confession
- confessione et extrema unctione praemunitus
- given the last sacrements (confession and Holy Oils)
- confessus
- confessed
- confirmati
- people who recieved sacrament of confirmation
- confirmatorum (registrum)
- registry of people who recieved sacrament of confirmation
- confirmatus
- having obtained the sacrarment of confirmation
- congeneralis
- relative, familymember
- coniu(c)s
- husband
- coniuga
- spouse
- coniugae
- belonging to the spouse
- coniugatoren
- married people
- coniuges
- married couple
- coniugis
- belonging to the husband
- coniugum
- married couple (pl. genitive)
- coniuncti
- married couple
- coniunx
- the husband, the spouse
- coniunxi matrimonio
- joined in matrimony
- coniux
- often seen in texts as genitive of the plural of "conjugum", married couple
- conjugalis
- married
- conjugata, conjugatus
- married
- conjugatio
- marriage, wedding
- conjugere
- give away in marriage
- conjuges
- married couple
- conjugiale, conjugialis
- (adj.) marriage (of the)
- conjugium
- to go into marriage
- conjugum
- being married
- conjuncta, conjunctus
- (adj) married, related
- conjuncti fuerunt,-sunt
- are married
- conjunctio
- marriage, relationship; relatives
- conju(n)x, coniu(c)s, contectalis
- husband, man
- conjurgatus
- married
- connubium
- marriage
- consanguineus, -nea
- blood relative
- consanguinitas, -tatis
- of the blood relation
- conscabinus
- fellow alderman
- consensu meo
- with my consent
- consensu parentum
- with the consent of the parents
- consensu pastoris
- with the consent of the priest
- consensu quorum interest
- with the consent of the people involved
- consiliarius
- council member
- consobrina
- tantesdochter van moederszijde, dochter van moederszuster, volle of eigen nicht
- consobrinus
- volle neef, gezusters kinderen, kind van iemands oom of tante
- consobrina magnus
- kleindochter van de zuster van de grootmoeder
- consobrinus magnus
- kleinzoon van de zuster van de grootmoeder
- consocer
- mede-schoonvader
- consors
- gemaal, echtgenoot, man
- con(e)stabul(-arius),(-us)
- konstabel, politieagent, bewaker
- consortis
- gemaal, echtgenoot, man
- consuetis ecclesiae (Romanae) sacramentis
- met de gebruikelijke sacramenten van de (Roomse) Kerk
- consul
- raadsheer, vaak ook burgemeester
- contectalis
- echtgenoot, man, echtgenote, vrouw
- conthoralis
- echtgenote
- contractante nuptiali
- huwelijkse voorwaarden
- contrahunt
- huwen
- contrahunt matrimonium
- zij sluiten een huwelijk
- contraxerunt
- het huwelijk aangegaan
- contraxerunt matrimonium
- sloten een huwelijk
- contraxit sponsalia
- deden trouwbelofte, ondertrouw
- contribulis
- stamgenoot, verwant
- conubium
- huwelijk
- conversus (ad fidem catholeam)
- bekeerd (tot het katholiek geloof), bekeerling
- copiae
- legers
- copula conjugalis
- echtverbintenis, echtvereniging
- copulanda, copulandus
- trouwer, persoon die wil huwen
- copulare
- kerkelijk trouwen
- copulata, copulatus
- (bn) gehuwd, getrouwd, getrouwde, gehuwde
- copulatio
- kerkelijke huwelijksvoltrekking
- copulatio coram
- huwelijksvoltrekking in tegenwoordigheid van, -ten overstaan van
- copulati fuere, -fuerunt, -sunt
- zij zijn getrouwd
- coqua
- keukenmeid
- coquus
- kok
- coram
- ten overstaan van, in tegenwoordigheid van
- coram judice
- ten overstaan van de rechter
- coram me infrascripto pastore
- voor mij ondertekenende pastoor
- coram notario et testibus
- voor notaris en getuigen
- coram omni plebe
- voor veel aanwezigen
- coram praedicante acatholica
- voor de niet-katholieke (protestantse) predikant
- coram testibus
- voor de getuigen
- corbiferius
- korfdrager
- corbifex
- mandenmaker
- cordarius
- touwslager, lijndraaier, koordmaker
- corem
- bij
- coriarius
- leerbereider, leerbewerker, leerlooier, schoenmaker, riemenmaker, gordelmaker
- coronarius, coronator
- lijkschouwer
- corpus
- lichaam
- corpus alienum
- vreemd element
- corpusculum
- lichaampje
- correptus
- overvallen, weggerukt
- corrigiarius
- riemenmaker, gordelmaker, zadelmaker
- costa
- wederhelft, vrouw,(eig. rib)
- cotarius, cotiarius
- slijper, wetter, arbeider, huisbediende
- cremeterium
- kerkhof
- cribrarius
- zeefmaker
- crispator
- pruikenmaker, barbier, kapper
- crucesignatus
- kruisvaarder
- crucifer
- kruisvaarder, kruisridder
- crucis
- van het kruis
- crumenarius
- beurzenmaker, tassenmaker, leerbewerker, koffermaker, zadelmaker
- crux
- kruis
- cubicularia
- kamermeid
- cubiculum
- (slaap)kamer
- cuius anima requiescat in pace
- zijn ziel rust in vrede
- cuius loco
- in wiens plaats
- cuius vicem supplevit
- in wiens plaats optrad
- cuius vices egit
- in wiens plaats optrad
- cujus
- van wie
- cujus filia
- van wie dochter is
- cuius loc(o) (-um) tenuit
- wiens plaats werd ingenomen door
- culcit(r)arius
- stoffeerder, mantelmaker
- cultellarius, cultellifex, cultrarius, cultrariux
- messenmaker
- cum
- met, als, ofschoon, wanneer, omdat
- cum ab illustrissimo ac reverendissimo domino episcopo obtena dispensatione in bannis
- met dispensatie in de roepen verkregen van de illustere en zeer eerwaarde heer bisschop
- cum amicis
- met vrienden, - vriendinnen
- cum consensu pastoris
- met toestemming van de pastoor
- cum dispensatione
- met dispensatie, met vrijstelling
- cum dispensatione impedimenti consanguinitatis
- met vrijstelling van huwelijksbeletsel door verwantschap
- cum dispensationei in bannis
- met vrijstelling der roepen
- cum dispensatione in banno
- met vrijstelling in één roep
- cum fundo et omnibus pertinenti(bus) (-is)
- met de grond en alles wat er toe behoort
- cum mea licentia
- met mijn vergunning
- cum missa
- met een mis
- cum pertinentiis
- met toebehoorten (koopakte en rentbrieven)
- cum suis
- met gevolg (in de zin van : met de zijnen)
- cum totali relaxatione
- met volledige vrijstelling (geruststelling)
- cumulare
- cumuleren, cumulatie van ambten en opstapeling van wedden door één persoon
- cum vigilus et exequiis
- met vigiliën en uitvaart
- cuparius
- tonnenmaker, kuiper
- cupe(n)dinarius
- koekbakker, banketbakker, winkelier, kramer
- cup(r)ifex
- copper worker
- curanda
- pupil; stepdaughter
- curandus
- pupil; stepson
- curator
- curator, guardien, overseer
- curator ventris
- curator over unborn child
- curatus
- priest
- currus
- wagon
- cursor
- messenger
- curtiu
- the short one
- custodis
- guardian
- custos
- guardian, protecter, porter, guard
- custos camporum
- local law enforcer, local policeman
- custos mercenarius
- rented guardian
- custos ovium
- sheep-herder
- custos porcorum
- pig-herder
- cyrothecarius
- gloves-maker