Addon:This Day In Family History

From Gramps

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Released for Gramps 5.x and greater

This Day In Family History Addon Output Sample

The This Day In Family History Gramplet provides a view into your family history by searching through your family tree's events and presenting you with a concise report of the user defined list of events that happened on this day and month.

More than a novelty this gramplet can be used to build engagement among family members and get them involved with filling in details. Cut and paste the results to your favourite discussion group or email list, however you keep in touch with the family.


This Day In Family History Addon Output Sample
  • Choose from a list of Gramps events to report on
  • Filter the list between living and deceased members of your family tree
  • Sort the list by year, participant name, event location, event type, gramps ID
  • Click through on the individual to inspect their record


This Day In Family History Configuration Dashboard View

After installing the gramplet you can proceed with the default options or access the Configure Dashboard to choose your preferred options. The gramplet will appear on your Dashboard, no further learning curve required.

Definition of deceased persons for filtering

For the purposes of this gramplet if a person has an event that suggests that they are not living they will be considered deceased. For family events the living only filter will be applied if both members of the family are considered deceased.

The events that will cause a person to be considered deceased are: burial, cremation, death, cause of death, and will.

Installation Prerequisites

  • Designed and tested with Gramps 5.0, no other external programs required.


  • Output for family events where the partners are not the primary participants may experience odd output.
  • If the only record of an event that would indicate a person is deceased is recorded as a family event, they will not be correctly filtered by the living only option.
  • Does not refresh on GEDCOM import.
  • Does not refresh if person is accessed through right click, saved, and database is updated.

Feature requests

Some of the ideas to be implemented in future versions of the gramplet:

  • Expand the location to include the full hierarchical name.
  • Detect if a marriage listed under multiple People, instead of as a Family event, refer to the same event and merge the notice instead of listing them individually.
  • Sort on multiple criteria, e.g. first by event type then by event year.
  • Add a setting to consider a person deceased if their age is beyond a certain threshold.

Other information

Initially developed by Stephen Adams for Gramps 5.0

See also