Addon:Photo Tagging Gramplet

From Gramps

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The Gramplet window consists of the toolbar, the selection area (center-left) and the list of tagged people (center-right).

The Photo Tagging Gramplet facilitates tagging people in photographs, i.e. associating regions of images with Gramps persons.


  • Image preview with scrolling and zooming
  • List of persons tagged in the current photograph
  • Adding and modifying regions and associations
  • Supports showing XMP Region Name if there are no regions already defined in Gramps for an image.
  • Optionally detect faces in photo automatically.*


Select the Media Category View and from the Sidebar add the Photo Tagging Gramplet.

The Gramplet window consists of:

Selection area

The selection area displays the image and highlights the regions that have been associated with person in the Gramps database.

The mouse wheel can be used to zoom in and out of the image. Alternatively, you can use the corresponding toolbar buttons.

Left click inside of one the regions makes this region active. Right-click causes the context menu to be displayed.

To tag a person, select a region of the image by pressing the left mouse button in one of its corners and dragging the pointer across the desired area. A rectangular frame will mark the selected region. Use the toolbar to select an existing person or add a new person to be associated with the region.

Drag'n'Drop as an alternative to the Person Selection dialog

The most obvious option for selecting a Person for a tag is the Person Selection Dialog. But you can use Drag'n'Drop as an alternative and more efficient method.
Drag a Person from the Clipboard to drop on the selected row in the Gramplet to complete a Tag. Or, detach (undock) the Photo Tagging Gramplet and use the Relationship View to tag multiple members from a Family group. Or use filtering in the People View to select from a subset of the family tree.

It is important to select the target row before beginning any drag.

To modify a region, first make it active by clicking inside the region. Move the mouse pointer to one of the borders or corners of the selection box. A grabbing handle will appear that you can drag to modify the shape of the box.

To change the person associated with the region, use the toolbar buttons or the context menu.

To associate a region with a different person, click within the region and use the toolbar buttons to select or add a person. In this case, the previous association is discarded.


The toolbar contains ten buttons that are made active in accordance with the current state of selection.

The Gramplet toolbar (the exact appearance can depend on the operating system and the version of the GTK library used).

Use the toolbar to modify the associations of the current image.

Photo-Tagging-Select-icon.gif Displays the Gramps 'Select Person' dialog. Once selection is made, the person is tagged in the current box.

Photo-Tagging-New-icon.gif Creates a new person and displays the Gramps 'Person' dialog.

Photo-Tagging-Clear-icon.gif Removes the tag from the current box.

Photo-Tagging-Remove-icon.gif Removes the current box together with the tag.

Photo-Tagging-Edit-icon.gif Displays the Gramps 'Person' dialog for the person tagged in the current box.

Photo-Tagging-Zoomin-icon.gif Zooms the image in.

Photo-Tagging-Zoomout-icon.gif Zooms the image out.

Photo-Tagging-Detect-icon.gif Runs the face detection algorithm. (Only if the optional prerequisites have been installed)

Photo-Tagging-Settings-icon.gif Displays the Gramplet settings dialog.

Photo-Tagging-help-icon.png Goes to this help page.

List of tagged people

The list contains the people tagged in the current image, as well as the selection boxes that have not yet been associated with a particular person. A thumbnail image of the corresponding region of the image is displayed in every row.

By default, the view displays the Row Number(not labeled), Preview, Person, Age, and XMP Region Name[1] columns for each tagged image.

Left-clicking on a row in the list selects the corresponding region in the image. The context menu allows you to Set as active, Select, Add, Clear or Remove the image.

Double-click on a row with a person opens the Gramps 'Person' dialog for this person. This is equivalent to pressing the 'Edit' button in the Gramplet toolbar.


  • Selection tab
    • Replace existing references to the person being assigned without asking (checkbox unchecked by default)

Photo-Tagging-Settings-Face detection-tab-51.png
  • Face detection tab
    • Minimum face width (px): (50 default) Size in pixels
    • Minimum face width (px): (50 default) Size in pixels
    • Sensitivity (1 min .. 20 max): (50 default) Size in pixels
      • Detect faces inside existing boxes (checkbox unchecked by default)

Installation Prerequisites

If the OpenCV is not found, the automatic face detection feature will be unavailable, but the Gramplet should otherwise function correctly.

Automatic detection of faces requires the following to be installed:

  • OpenCV, its dependencies and Python bindings. This library should be available in common Linux distributions. For example, Debian package python-opencv provides the Python bindings for the library. It will require the core library packages (libopencv-*) and the
  • python-numpy package.


  • 10913 Face detection does NOT work in the[Microsoft Windows] AIO bundle(s). As near as I can tell, the required cv2 (OpenCV) and numpy prerequisites would approximately triple the size of the AIO download and installation. So they are not included.

Feature request

Some of the ideas to be implemented in future versions of the Gramplet:

Initial announcement:

See also

  • Media Report text report addon (a labeled tag region report)