
From Gramps

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This addon has both a gramplet and a report. Both list the last ten person records that have been changed in the open tree, starting with the most recent change and the report allow you list all eight categories of objects.


Latest Changes Gramplet

Latest Changes Gramplet - showing context menu

The Latest Changes Gramplet is a quick way to list the last ten person records that have been changed in the open tree, starting with the most recent change. The names are linked back to the records they come from, giving you an easy way to get back to where you were working last. You can also copy the content of gramplet using the context menu.

Note the "Add a gramplet" context menu shows this as "Last Change"!

Last Change Report

Last Change Report Sample

The Last Change Report expands the types of records you can list all eight categories of objects (People, Families, Places, Events, Media, Sources, Notes, Citations)

You can create the report via the menu Reports > Text Reports > Last Change...

By default only People objects are shown on the report.

Command Line(CLI) Usage

For Command Line(CLI) use, the following is an example command that runs the report on 'Family Tree 1' to file 'c:\output.txt' of type 'txt' with all types except media included in the report. Note that this is all on a single line, no line breaks.

gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=LastChangeReport,of=c:\output.txt,off=txt,what_types='True,True,True,True,False,True,True,True'

The section what_types= represent the list of 8 True/False choices is for the eight categories (People, Families, Places, Events, Media, Sources, Notes, Citations) that can be included in the report, at least one of which must be included.


  • The gramplet is found under the "Add a gramplet" context menu as "Last Change" instead of "Latest Changes"!
  • Last Change Report's help goes to [1] instead of here.